3-23-2021 I switched over to working with the alchemical energies of Venus and I’m really glad I have because it is proving to be healing and helpful one day in. I think its interesting that on the Tree of Life, Venus comes after Mercury, emotion coming after thought. Thought allows us to dissect an experience and rationalize it, but the emotions are where we feel and embody what we go through. If you’re going up the tree the emotions come after, but if you’re going down the tree they come before and in either case it seems appropriate to recognize how one leads to the other and how they can temper each other, if worked with in the right way.
I got an order of books in today, including the Daily Stoic and I think I will read an entry a day out of this book and do so for the rest of my life. Today’s entry asks us to look at our greed and vices and reflect on how they may be causing lapses of judgment, as well as asking how we might regulate that greed and those vices. It’s this kind of tempering which is so important, and so often underutilized. Certainly I have sometimes allowed me weaknesses to get the better of me and the result has never been worth it.