There is power in being humble. It seems a contradiction until you realize how it opens you to the world and to being curious and discovering wonder I share my own experiences around becoming humble and why this has transformed my life for the better.
The obligation of holidays
Holidays always bring weird energy with them, the energy of obligation and familial duty, as well associated energies. How do you recognize these realities about a holiday? I offer some perspective on the topic.
Just being and problem solving
Sometimes the path for solving a problem is to not do anything to solve it. I talk about the internal work I’m doing each day while driving my car and how having concentrated time to be with myself is helping me work through the issues and challenges that have come up, by using Dzogchen meditation. Bonus: I end up going into some personal territory and also discuss my thoughts on the occult community and why I do the work I do and share what I share.
How to use magic to get quick results when you need them
When your life gets turned upside down and you have to scramble to get everything in order, knowing how to use magic to get quick results can make all the difference. On my Patreon I have added a new tier where I’ll be teaching a live class and this month’s topic will be on emergency magic. The video I make today gives you a taste of what you’ll get if you choose to become my patron at the live class level.
Occult conferences I'm presenting at in 2021
So it looks like I'm presenting at occult conferences again (I never thought I'd see the day THAT would happen).
I'll be presenting a workshop on the Inner Alchemy of Wintering for the Free Spirit Gathering Conference in June 18-20 ( In that workshop I'll be discussing the concept of wintering and how rest and retreat should play an important role in our spiritual practices.
And in September (17th - 19th) I'll be presenting a workshop at the AstroMagia Conference ( It'll either be the one where I talk about my planetary magic work with the outer planets (Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto) or my work with using architectural spatial design theory to create magical spaces (ala the Sphere of Art)
And both conferences have some great lineups with other presenters, so you should make sure you check them out.
Fear as the seed of potential in your life
When you think of the experience of fear, or feel the experience of fear, what comes to mind or feeling? I can’t speak for you, but what I’ve learned to do over the years is embrace fear. It isn’t always easy, but it is always empowering, because when I embrace my fear, I’m no longer letting it dictate my existence, but instead using it to motivate and drive me.
The depiction of fear, when it’s not horror movies, is that fear paralyzes us or causes us to run and hide from what we’re afraid of (for that matter, its the same in horror movies). But if we take a different approach to fear, one where we recognize how fear can be a useful ally and helper in our quest to deal with the circumstances that come into our lives then we can change how we handle fear.
Why I use my real name with my magical work
I associate my government issued, real name with my books and public persona and in this video I share why I do and why it’s a choice I stand by to this day, because of how it ultimately empowers my work.
When to employ magic during a life change
When you’re going through a big life change, knowing when to employ magic and when to hold off is crucial for making your magical work successful. In this video I explain my reasoning and thought processes around such work and share what I’m doing around my current life change.
Paywalls and wealth magic
I recently decided to start offering some services on Magical Experiments (Check out the service tab for more information). There’s a couple reasons for the new services, but one of the most important reasons is because I’ve found that a lot of people want to ask me questions, and so I decided to create what’s known as a paywall.
What is a paywall?
A paywall is both a boundary and an opportunity for access. . Essentially, if you want to ask me questions or get other services you pay me for those services, or you choose not to pay me and I don’t provide the services. I first saw the practice of the paywall with journalism and article sites, where you pay a subscription fee to get unlimited to articles, but one of my friends decided to apply it to herself, in terms of access, and it’s worked excellently for her.
How to be present with and work through fear
In moments of transformation and change in your life, it’s natural to feel fear. However in those moments you have two choices: you either let the fear define you and control you or you make the choice to acknowledge the fear and turn it into motivation to do something. In this video I share what I’m doing with my fear, during the transitions I’m going through.
Elemental Balancing Ritual Connection and Truth Month 6
3-23-2021 I switched over to working with the alchemical energies of Venus and I’m really glad I have because it is proving to be healing and helpful one day in. I think its interesting that on the Tree of Life, Venus comes after Mercury, emotion coming after thought. Thought allows us to dissect an experience and rationalize it, but the emotions are where we feel and embody what we go through. If you’re going up the tree the emotions come after, but if you’re going down the tree they come before and in either case it seems appropriate to recognize how one leads to the other and how they can temper each other, if worked with in the right way.
I got an order of books in today, including the Daily Stoic and I think I will read an entry a day out of this book and do so for the rest of my life. Today’s entry asks us to look at our greed and vices and reflect on how they may be causing lapses of judgment, as well as asking how we might regulate that greed and those vices. It’s this kind of tempering which is so important, and so often underutilized. Certainly I have sometimes allowed me weaknesses to get the better of me and the result has never been worth it.
How to use magic to navigate changes in your life
When changes happen in your life knowing how to employ magic to help you navigate those changes can help you get back on your feet faster and create opportunities for you. I share my own experience that I'm going through right now.
Can Spirits help you with your mental health?
I share some thoughts on whether or not spirits can help you with your mental health and why I actually don’t advise working with spirits for that purpose. I explain the potential pitfalls and also emphasize the importance of getting help from the right resources.
The answer to your question is...
Sometimes I have people approach me to ask what I think about a particular magical working. They want to know if I think their magical working will produce the result they want, hypothetically speaking. My response is always the following: The only way for you to discover if your hypothetical working will produce the hypothetical result that you want is for you to do the actual work and get the answers you seek, through your own work.
I imagine this answer is frustrating. After all, shouldn’t I as a magical practitioner and occult author KNOW the answer to your hypothetical situation? Shouldn’t I be able to tell you what will or won’t work, without you actually having to do the work? I will admit, it might save people a lot of time if I could just tell them right out the gate if something would or wouldn’t work or would or wouldn’t get results.
Letting go of what holds you back
I discuss the power of letting go of what is holding you back and share why we hold onto certain thoughts and emotions and how dissolving those thoughts and emotions can liberate us.
Magical Experiments podcast: Divination and Tarot Magic with Liz Worth
Liz Worth and I discuss divination and Tarot magic, exploring how to work with the cards and also the importance of taking a grounded approach to your divination readings.
Elemental Balancing Ritual Connection and Truth Month 5
2-23-2021 I switched over to the alchemical substances for mercury yesterday, which in relationship to connection and truth is all about communication. In the meditation work I’ve been doing lately, I’ve been focused on recognizing contractions, where a block forms because of one’s internal defenses. I think of it as a form of compartmentalization, because this sense of contraction seems brought on by a need to try and dissociate with an experience. Or maybe that’s just my experience with it.
I’ve also been continuing to read The Body keeps the Score which essentially discusses how the body internalized traumatic experiences. Reading the book has helped me more readily recognize my own trauma from past experiences, but also consider how trauma is created and what role you can play in the trauma another person has experienced because of your actions.
What does it mean to be grounded?
In an interview I did with Liz Worth, we ended up discussing the need to find balance in your life and not go overboard with your spiritual work. It got me thinking about what it really means to be grounded, especially in relationship to my recent article on recovering from spiritual burnout. I know from my own experiences and what it’s like to go overboard, because I’ve done it with magic and with being a workaholic sometimes. I’ve had to learn the necessity of achieving a better sense of groundedness in what I do through having experiences where I overdid it.
I’ve been reflecting on my own sense of balance quite a bit over the last few years, because I’ve had to make some changes in how I approach my spiritual work, my writing, and other facets of my life. I’ve realized that being grounded isn’t simply making sure you eat a bit of food after a ritual or a do a banishing. Being grounded is connecting to your life in a meaningful way that doesn’t always involve a sense of having to do something, fix something, manifest something, or otherwise deal with whatever seems to be driving you.
What does it mean to cross the abyss?
Crossing the abyss is a phrase sometimes used to describe crossing over the sphere of Daath in the Tree of Life, but in this context I discuss it in relationship to internal work and the dark night of the soul, and what it means to cross the abyss when it comes to your own journey in life and the hard times that inevitably can come your way. I share some of my own experiences in this regard and also explain why these experiences are valuable opportunities to learn and grow.
Magical Experiments podcast: Identity Magic with Julian Crane
I interview Julian Crane about his work with identity magic. He walks us through how he's used magic to change his life and shares examples of how he changed his identity with magical work in order to effect the changes he was looking for.
Check Out Julian's books: